There are lots of opportunities!

There are so many opportunities around to make money. I hear people saying that all the opportuntities have dried up, the niches have all gone, someone else got there first, blah, blah, blah …

If that’s what you want to believe, go ahead. I’m choosing a different way. Will you join me? This blog is all about the many different ways you can make money. I'll be searching high and low for money making ideas and reporting my thoughts and experiences. Some of the articles on this blog, plus alot more, are on the Money Making Mindset Website.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Think rich to get rich

This blog is about making money. But I believe that you cannot make money, whatever you do, unless you have the right mind set. You need to think in a certain way, you need to have the right 'financial blueprint' to use a phrase coined by T Harv Eker in his book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Most people seem to think that when you are wealthy, you will feel wealthy - make sense, right? But Eker and many other proponents of the 'law of attraction' (myself included) believe that it's the other way round - you need to feel wealthy first, and the feelings lead to the wealth.

Feeling wealthy involves lots of different things which I'll explore in later posts as time goes on. I've been trying a few different things lately myself and I have to say that they are working. Part of feeling wealthy is being open to wealth coming to you in all sorts of ways. There are many, many channels through which wealth an flow to you - money is flowing constantly, the world is full of it, and you need to start believing that you can tap into these pipelines. If others can do it, why can't you? The answer is that there is no reason. So start believing - stop dreaming about being rich and start choosing to be rich.

On the topic of making yourself feel wealthy, you might want to check out this blog article.

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